Stoke-on-Trent Hair Transplant

Stoke-on Trent is a well known Midlands city offering a variety of cosmetic surgery options for its residents and anyone who finds a suitable surgeon to perform a hair transplant.  As the city is well away from the south and London the prices for a Stoke-on-Trent Hair Transplant are highly competitive as well as offering a superior quality service. If you are seeking a transplant in this city you can find a suitable hair transplant surgeon from which provides details of reputable hair transplant surgeons in the U.K.

Selecting a hair transplant surgeon

Stoke-on-Trent Hair TransplantsAs hair transplantation involves surgery those who are qualified to perform this procedure have to be a qualified surgeon with extra qualifications in cosmetic surgery.  Scarring and tissue damage can occur if an experienced and qualified surgeon does not undertake the hair transplant.

The General Medical Council and the Institute of Trichologists do offer information about suitably qualified hair transplant surgeons. Your personal GP may well know someone who is qualified to perform a good job too.  You can also consult online websites such as who keeps lists and profiles of well qualified hair transplant specialists

There are certain qualifications you should look for when selecting a hair transplant surgeon. When you are searching you should look for those who have FRCS, BAAPs or BACS after their name. All well qualified surgeons will place these abbreviations after their names when they advertise their services. A helpful way of being certain you have chosen the right person is to ask the surgeon to provide details of previous patients so you can ask their opinion before you take on this person’s services.

Hair transplants on the NHS

Hair transplants are not normally offered on the NHS unless you are experiencing balding due to cancer or some other trauma such as a serious accident so you are basically paying for this cosmetic procedure out of your own pocket so you must be sure you are getting good value for money. The more information you can obtain about your chosen surgeon the more likely you will be pleased with the results.

What you should know about hair transplants

Normally, after a hair transplant you can go back to work within a week of the procedure so you should plan to take this time off work before arranging your Stoke-On –Trent hair transplant. The transplanted hair initially after approximately 14 to 21 days will fall out. The new permanent growth of hair will take a few months to finally appear

After a transplant has been completed

After two to three weeks have passed after surgery, the hair that has been transplanted will fall out, however after a few months, you should start to see new permanent growth appearing.  Within nine months most transplant recipients will see at least 60% of their new hair coming through.  Some surgeons may prescribe the drug minoxidil, which promotes hair growth after a transplantation procedure.

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