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Hair Transplant Clinics in Sheffield

full hairSheffield is a good city to choose if you are looking for a hair transplant operation. If you live there anyway it is an ideal choice because there are several hair transplant clinics across Sheffield so one will be close to where you live. This is particularly important if you need to visit the clinic for repeat sessions as you won’t have to make unnecessary travel and accommodation arrangements.

Hair transplant procedures in Sheffield are modern and take place with the least amount of invasive techniques. They are a surgical procedure and you will need to be fully assessed and prepared for what will take place, but you will be pleasantly surprised by the usually fast recovery time and re-growth of hair where you need it the most.

Hair transplant techniques explained

If you are interested in how hair transplant surgery can help you regain a full head of healthy hair then you should discuss the procedure with a surgeon at a nearby hair transplant clinic in Sheffield. The surgeon will discuss the different procedures available and the pros and cons of each. He or she will assess your hair requirements, taking into account your medical history and the present extent of your hair.

There are several slightly different hair transplant techniques. Generally speaking, the more invasive the technique, the more effective it is in the long run, but the least invasive method is very effective as well. It all depends on your requirements and preferences.

Hair transplantation basically involves removing a piece of the outer skin with a single hair or group of hairs and the follicles in which they grow. The skin which is left behind is then carefully stitched back together while the transplanted hairs are inserted delicately into small cuts in the recipient part of the scalp. These are usually inserted using a microsurgical procedure with a specialised instrument that looks a bit like a hypodermic syringe.

If this all sounds a little painful you can be rest assured that the anaesthetic used during the surgery removes any pain.  Although the donor skin may feel a little sore for a while, recovery is usually fast and problem free.

Private hair transplant Sheffield costs

While hair transplants on the NHS are unlikely because of their cosmetic nature, hair transplant clinics in Sheffield provide their procedures on a private arrangement. The cost of a transplant should be enquired about at your initial consultation after the surgeon has examined your head and provided an estimate of how long the transplant will take and how many times you may need to return. Hair transplant in a typical Sheffield clinic can cost between £1,500 to £7,000 depending on the particular clinic and the needs of the recipient.

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