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Hair Transplant Clinics in Leicester

Gone are the days when baldness just had to be accepted. At first there were a lot of remedies that appeared that promised to achieve hair growth but these were almost all an illusion. Hair re-growth is now a reality, however, with modern, scientifically based hair transplant methods. All over the country there are hair transplant clinics that can help to give you a full head of hair again and take years off your age. If you are keen on replacing your balding head with hair again or giving your thinning hair a second chance, then contact a hair transplant clinic in Leicester for a consultation.

How hair transplant clinics in Leicester achieve hair re-growth

Hair TransplantsHair transplant procedures do not use herbal remedies or hair creams. These do not work. They rely on moving whole hair organs from one part of the head to another. In this way they transplant every part of the hair growing structure so that it can start a new life on a part of your head where hair has stopped growing. The hair grows from a pit inside the skin called a follicle and is supplied with nerve endings and a blood supply. The transplant technique carefully removes the whole follicle with the hair attached and inserts it into a tiny, specially cut space on the bare part of the head. Typically, the donor area, as it is called, is on the back or sides of the head, where the hair is less obvious, while the balder or thinner areas are on top or in the front of the head.

There are a number of techniques which are used by transplant surgeons and the differences between them and their relative advantages and disadvantages will be discussed with you when you attend your consultation. Don’t worry about pain as the procedure is practically painless. A local anaesthetic is used in both the donor and recipient areas during the procedure.

After transplantation, the newly transplanted follicles will start to produce new hairs which replace the ones that came with the transplants. The re-growth will be noticeable after a few weeks and you will be able to do exactly the same things with your new hair as you did with what was left of your old hair. It can be cut, shampooed and brushed as normal.

How much does a hair transplant in Leicester cost?

Hair transplants in Leicester are almost always carried out in a privately run clinic. The cost depends on the number of times you need to attend a transplant session and how much hair is to be transplanted. The costs range from a minimum of around £1,500 up to £7,000 or more. You should ask for a quotation for the transplant cost when you have your consultation because it is very difficult for a surgeon at a clinic to give a realistic quote until your hair needs are assessed.

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