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Hair Transplant Clinics in Manchester

Modern techniques now used for surgical hair transplantation in Hair Transplant Clinics in Manchester

can replace lost hair while re-shaping your hairline with your personal naturally growing hair. Once the transplant has been completed it can be washed styled and trimmed in the same way that you have always done. Transplantations conducted today are so well done that your hairdresser is unlikely to notice the difference. This is a great advancement on earlier hair transplant techniques.

Who benefits from hair transplant surgery?

Hair transplant clinics in Manchester will consider anyone for a hair transplant who has experienced hair loss that is permanent.

This includes:

  • The type of baldness that affects men
  • The pattern of hair loss that affects women
  • Males or females who wish to improve or alter their hairline’s profile
  • People who have been injured and have lost hair off their head or have suffered from a skin disease that has caused hair loss
  • People who wish restore or  thicken beards, eyebrows and eyelashes
  • Males and females who want hair in areas that either lack it completely or are deficient in it.

hair transplantHair transplant surgery at Manchester hair transplant clinics involves removing skin that has hairs from the sides or the rear of the scalp which is called the donor area. The transplant surgeon will then use stereoscope microscopic dissection whereby the tissue will be dissected into grafts containing follicular units which can be up to 4 hairs or multi-follicular grafts which contain up to 6 hairs each. These microscopic grafts, using great care, are put into the thinning or bald part of the scalp. The important thing is to make sure that no damage is done to healthy hair follicles in this part and that hairs are transplanted in such a way that they are at an angle that is the same as the healthy hair.

The great thing at Manchester transplant clinics is the surgeon’s ability, through the use of microscopic follicular unit grafts, to create extremely natural looking feathered hairlines. Some of the surgeons at the Manchester hair transplant clinics like to transplant using follicular unit grafts only while some feel that placing in the central area of the head gives a better overall appearance of density. The surgeon, depending on how much balding there is in the mid-scalp, frontal and crown areas, normally undertakes 2-3 procedures.

The donor areas, where the grafts have been harvested, are closed with sutures. These are normally removed between 7 to 14 days after being completed. The recipient sites, where the grafts are placed on top, are small slits in the skin of the scalp. At the end of the transplant procedure, it is only necessary to cover the area with a light dressing. The hair transplant surgical techniques used these days are so exact that within a day or so minute crusts will develop on the grafts that are then eliminated between 4 and 14 days later. The hairs that have been grafted will usually begin to grow between 10 and 16 weeks following the transplant and will grow continuously for most and probably the remainder of the recipient’s life.

At Hair Transplant Clinics in Manchester the transplant can take up to 8 hours and is performed using a  local anaesthesia and does not require an overnight stay at the clinic.

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