Breast Enlargements in Edinburgh
When a woman decides to undertake a Breast Enlargement in Edinburgh there are always many questions that need answering before the procedure takes place. One of these is what capsular contracture is. There is a simple answer to this question and that is that when breast enlargement surgery takes place, the body normally forms a healthy tissue layer which surrounds the implant so that it becomes part of the body. This layer is referred to as the capsule and is composed of natural breast tissue and makes up the healing process.
Capsular contracture is when the breast tissue which is made up of collagen and scar tissue thickens over time and the breast implant becomes squeezed. If the area becomes sensitive, swollen or red in appearance then you should go back to your cosmetic surgeon.
Types of breast implants
Most clinics or cosmetic surgeons favour a particular brand of breast implant and this is Mentor made by Johnson & Johnson, which is well known for producing the highest quality breast implants. They are guaranteed for 10 years.
What size of breast is best in Breast Enlargement surgery?
Generally, cosmetic surgeons do not recommend increasing your breast size by more than one or two sizes. Your Breast Enlargement surgeon in Edinburgh will assess your build and the extent of any loose skin or fat around the chest area.
What is the Recovery Time?
You will normally be required to remain over night in the hospital after your surgery and you will be provided with a supportive bra that is designed for post-surgical situations and you will have to wear it 24 hours a day. It is similar to a sports bra which will help to protect your new breasts and give them that extra protection throughout the healing period. The time taken to recover does depend on individual patients but full recovery tends to be from between four and six weeks. It’s normally alright to return to work up to two weeks following the procedure.
Will there be any noticeable scarring?
Cosmetic surgeons are careful about where the incisions are made so they choose places where any possible scarring is less noticeable. This is normally beneath the breasts’ natural creases or concealed under the armpits. Scarring tends to fade with time so it becomes barely noticeable.
Do breast implants wear out?
They don’t last forever but the expected life span is between 10 and 12 years, after which replacement will be necessary. If capsular contracture takes place and the breast implants are still under warranty then they will be replaced by most Breast Enlargement cosmetic surgeons in Edinburgh at no extra cost.
Overall, breast enlargement surgery in the UK has been through various stages of development and the procedure has been perfected to such an extent now that its success far outweighs any drawbacks. Cosmetic surgeons have built up several decades of experience and can provide precise advice to those women who are keen to improve their appearance.