FUE vs FUT Hair Transplant

Posted In: Hair Transplant

Say goodbye to Hair loss and balding with hair transplant! No matter whether you follow the FUE or FUT method of hair transplant, you can stop balding and have a natural hair growth with both the therapies. Differing in their method of extraction and grafting, the result of both the procedures is the same, with only a little difference in their appearance. So, if you are not quite confident in choosing the best hair transplant procedure, here are some details about the processes, their differences and the results. So, know about the best method and follow them to enjoy naturally growing hair and prevent balding completely.

FUE Hair Transplant Vs FUT Hair Transplant

Both the hair transplant procedures differ in their principles, procedures and a little bit in their results.

In the FUE method, small grafts are extracted from the back of your head (the donor area) which are then cultivated and grafted in small segments on your balding area. On the contrary, the FUT method involves extraction of bigger hair strips from the back of your head. The strip is cut and the scalp stitched back leaving behind a linear scar on your head. This strip is then cut into several small segments and then grafted on the balding area of the head.

The patient suffers not much pain in the FUE process and has a speedy recovery. In contrast to the FUE method, the recovery period in FUT is longer, particularly due to the linear incision made for the extraction of the donor hair follicles.

The FUE process leaves behind very minute scars which are not visible to our naked eyes. On the other hand, FUT leaves behind a very prominent linear scar on the head which is easily seen if the patient wears a very short hair style.

The maximum follicular unit yield of hair in FUE comparatively lower than the FUT procedure. Some of the low quality grafts don’t grow in the FUE procedure. But, in the FUT procedure, the grafts, being extracted from a big strip, they grow faster and give you guaranteed growth.

Moreover, FUE is a more expensive hair transplant procedure compared to FUT. But, a large number of people prefer following the FUE procedure over the FUT method due to its fast recovery, no stitches and also no scaring method. FUE is one of the most widely preferred processes when it comes to hair transplantation.

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