All about FUE hair transplant

Posted In: Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant procedures are a boon for people who suffer from excessive hair loss at any point of time in their life. The FUE procedure or the Follicle Unit Extraction method is one of the most widely preferred techniques, for its recovery and no scar procedure. If you are not well informed about this hair transplant technique, read on to get all the answers to your queries before you choose to undergo a hair transplant.

What is FUE?

Follicular Unit Extraction is an hair transplant technique wherein healthy hair follicles are removed form the scalp and grafted one-by-one into the bald area of the scalp. This natural graft placement rightly ensures that the new recreated hairline has same growth and pattern as the normal hair, making it look natural.

How is the process performed?

fue hair treatment

During the procedure, individual follicular units are cut one by one using a microscopic 1 millimeter diameter instrument. The instrument makes microscopic punched in the skin around the hair follicular unit for slowly isolating the graft to be used for transplant. This extracted graft is then prepared for implantation.

Once the follicle grafts are removed, tiny incisions are left on the scalp. These incisions get healed in just a few days time. Once the grafts are ready, they are inserted into the bald area of the scalp. This is a long process and takes as long as 8 hours time.

The patient’s donor hair, are usually cut short or shaved completely based on the need of the physician performing the procedure. This helps the physician to have a better view of the scalp.

Advantages of FUE

  • No incisions are needed, thus no linear scar.
  • No stitches required, thus the scalp looks unchanged.
  • Recovery time is faster, allowing you to return to work almost the next day.

Who is the best candidate for FUE?

FUE is ideal for the following people:-

  • People who wish to keep their hair short.
  • Who wish to avoid a linear scar on their scalp.
  • People with very little donor hair supply.

How much does the FUE technique cost?

The costing of the procedure varies depending on the reputation of the doctor, the clinic, your need for the transplant and the location. Overall, it costs almost £ 9000.

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