10 Things Your Plastic Surgeon Won’t Tell You

Posted In: Plastic Surgery

We love our beautiful celebs, their wrinkle free skin, pouting lips, and perfect figure. But, if you think they have this divine beauty naturally then let me tell you that you are absolutely wrong. Today, plastic surgery has become a trend to have a beautiful body, skin and lips. Earlier considered a boon for people who suffered severe damage on their body, plastic surgery has become a fashion requirement today for people who strive to look perfect. And indirectly, plastic surgery has become a business for the medical surgeons who mint money with these surgeries.

Plastic Surgeon

But, undergoing a plastic surgery is not as easy as chewing a gum. It does have risks and a lot of issues surrounding it. Here are a few things that your plastic surgeon may not tell you. Know about them before you decide to undergo the procedure.

  1. Credentials of the plastic surgeon

    The plastic surgeon you visit, will not talk about his credentials. He may not be a specialist as well. There are surgeons who practice only for a few days or a weekend on courses such as liposuction and face lifts. On the other hand, a real Board Certified Plastic Surgeon has a minimal 6 years training. Check their credentials before you decide for the procedure.

  2. Involves pain and oozing

    Plastic surgery is not a cakewalk. It includes pain, uneasiness, discomfort, oozing and a long recovery time. So, discuss about the recovery before you decide to undergo the process.

  3. Surgery result can depend on your bargain

    Plastic surgeries are expensive and cannot be afforded by all. The result of the surgery depends on what you pay to your doctor. Bargaining on the fee can have harmful effects on the result of the procedure.

  4. Long-term effects of the procedure

    Plastic surgeries can have long term effects, based on the procedure you follow. Newer methods are extremely effective and have long term results.

  5. Surgery mistakes and revisions

    Plastic surgery is, above all a serious surgery. If not done by good surgeons, you may look horrible and need revisions or corrections. There are a lot of surgeons who come across patients who need some or the other type of plastic surgery revisions.

  6. More male patients than females

    Females ask for plastic surgeries at an earlier age like 55 where as men ask for plastic surgery at an age of 65. However, in the recent times the number of male patients undergoing the process has gone up.

  7. Effect of surgery is only limited for a time

    The effect of the plastic surgery is effective and helps reduce a few years from your face. But, the body clock again starts clicking and you may have to undergo the process again in a few years.

  8. Surgeon’s certification

    Every doctor is certified. But what you need to check is whether he is a certified plastic surgeon or not.

  9. Psychological therapies

    According to a few studies, it is known that women undergoing breast augmentation sometimes also develop suicidal tendencies. On the other hand, there are also a few women who enjoy positive benefits after the surgery. So, its better to talk to a psychological therapist and then choose to undergo the procedure.

  10. Surgery benefits you most

    Every person undergoing the treatment enjoys certain benefits. However, the person who enjoys most benefits is the one who needs the surgery most and not the person who requires it only for a better physical outlook.

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