Pros and Cons of Cosmetic Dentistry

Posted In: Dental Implants

Cosmetic dentistry is an essentiality today for almost all kids and as well as grown up adults. Right from aligning your teeth in a proper symmetry to using veneers for covering the gaps, almost everyone depends on cosmetic dentistry a lot these days. Some use them to brighten their smile where as others use them as a treatment for certain orthodontic conditions. But, one thing that everyone agrees is that cosmetic dentistry can boost your confidence level and beauty by perfecting your teeth and smile.

Cosmetic dentistry includes a wide variety of dental treatments including, dental implants, dentures, teeth whitening, tooth bonding, veneers, and more. Most of these treatments are designed to cure dental conditions, while there are also a few that simply help in beautifying your smile. Hence, there are certain pros and cons associated with cosmetic dentistry. The information below will help you understand cosmetic dentistry better, and henceforth also help in making your decision about certain dental treatments.

cosmetic dentistry

Pros of Cosmetic Dentistry

–          Enhances self-confidence

Our physical appearance has a huge impact on our confidence levels. A broken tooth, yellow teeth or a crooked smile can surely make you loose your confidence levels. In such conditions, a cosmetic dentistry treatment can help you not only improve your dental issues, but also build your lost confidence. The more your feel confident about your looks and smile, better your confidence is in you.

–          Brightens your smile

Yellow or stained teeth can prevent your from smiling or having a conversations with people. You may feel embarrassed every time people focus on your teeth instead of listening to your words or suggestions. A teeth whitening treatment in such conditions may prove to be of great help. You may easily get back your pearl white teeth in just a few sittings and dramatically improve your smile and beauty.

–          Enhances quality of life

A broken tooth or crooked teeth can affect your life in a huge way. You may not get a suitable partner due to your looks or may not be able to eat all your favorite food items due to your teeth. In such conditions, undergoing dental implants or dentures or veneers can help you not just attract people with your beautiful smile, but also eat food easily. This way, a cosmetic dentistry treatment can surely enhance your quality of life.

–          Improves health issues

Teeth, jaws and gums are all related to several health conditions. For instance, you may suffer from jawbone deterioration, migraine headaches, teeth grinding, etc. are all health issues related to our teeth. A cosmetic dentistry treatment can provide us healthy gum, teeth and jawbone which further lead us to a better health.

Cons of Cosmetic dentistry

–          Expensive: Cosmetic Dentistry treatments are high in demand today, and so they are extremely expensive. The products and materials used in these treatments are very expensive. A normal man cannot undergo these treatments, unless they are covered with dental insurance. Dental implants and dentures are the most expensive treatments of all cosmetic dentistry procedures.

–          Painful

The procedures are not as easy as they seem to be. They are painful and sometimes extremely uncomfortable for the patients. However, nowadays sedations are provided to keep the pain at bay.

–          Fake dentists and fake treatments

Looking at the high demand for cosmetic dentistry procedures, a lot of DIY treatments and fake dentists are available today. You need to ensure that you choose the best dentist and treatment for your teeth. Keep away from fake dentists and treatments or you may have to suffer severe dental conditions later on.

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