The aim of a traditional facelift is facial rejuvenation as it reduces facial sagging and eradicates wrinkles.
The Procedure
A facelift normally involves the surgeon making an incision at the temples in the hairline. This is then extended down around and behind the ear. The cut is made here so that any scarring is concealed from view. The surgeon then reduces or redistributes fat and any underlying tissue is normally repositioned. Any excess skin is removed and is repositioned on top of the redistributed tissue and fat. Once the sculpting is over stitching up of the incisions take place and the area is then enclosed in a bandage.
A Neck Lift Will Add to a Facelift
For improved rejuvenation of the lower facial area the traditional facelift may be combined with a neck lift. An incision is made beneath the chin and similar to the facelift the neck tissue can be repositioned or reduced.
Who Can Have a Facelift?
It is useful to still have some skin elasticity, as this makes the process of reshaping less difficult for the surgeon when the surplus skin has been taken off. Also, having sufficient loose skin helps. It is not normally suitable for younger people and the best age for a facelift is between the ages of 40 and 70. If you find you are suitable for a facelift you must remember it will only last about 10 years and then the procedure will have to be repeated. If your chosen plastic surgeon informs you that you are not suitable to receive a face lift it probably means you still have some youth left in your face. Once you have lost that then a face lift may be possible. See it as a compliment if the plastic surgeon says you are not yet suitable for a facelift.
Risks Involved in a Facelift
A good surgeon is more likely to ensure good results but any type of surgery entails some risks and on occasions some side effects as explained below.
- Infection is a possibility but your surgeon should prescribe antibiotics if he or she can see the potential of an infection developing.
- Bleeding can take place as your skin has to be broken to carry out the facelift but only if it appears to be excessive is there any need to worry. You should either visit your GP or if the bleeding is uncontrollable call an ambulance time.
- Face discolouration is due to old blood that may clot beneath the skin’s surface making your skin appear discoloured or bruised. This will clear up without outside help however massaging the area can be a great help as it will reduce the recovery time.
- Bruising and swelling often occurs after facelift surgery but it will heal and disappear relatively quickly without the necessity for outside intervention.
- Scarring is likely to be present once the wound has completed the healing process but it will disappear given some time and there are over the counter creams available from your chemist that can help to conceal the scars.
- Slow healing might be a possibility depending on how good your general health is but sooner or later the healing process will be over as long as you take any medication that you have been prescribed.
- Loss of feeling to the skin and numbness following surgery sometimes takes place but this is generally due to the anaesthetic that has been used and will wear off. Occasionally nerve damage has taken place and it may take a few months for the nerves to fully repair themselves.
- Anaesthetic side effects may make you feel nauseous following the facelift but prescribed anti nausea drugs will offset this feeling quickly.
Choosing a Cosmetic Surgeon
A facelift is a cosmetic surgical procedure and is not covered by the NHS in the UK, so that gives you the added responsibility of finding a suitably qualified plastic surgeon to undertake the job. In the UK a cosmetic surgeon has to be qualified to undertake the procedure and ideally needs to possess a surgical qualification which includes plastic surgery. If you know anyone who has had a successful facelift and you can see the results of the procedure then the surgeon who did that job might be just the one you are looking for.
A surgeon who has the abbreviations FRCS (Plast) against his or her name will be a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons and passing exams in plastic surgery will have taken place. This is the right person to choose for your facelift.
If after consulting family and friends you have still not found the best facelift surgeon that suits your needs then go to www.anyclinics.co.uk as there are many highly qualified and reputable cosmetic and plastic surgeons listed here.