
What is a facelift?
A facelift is the use of plastic surgery to improve several parts of the neck and face. The procedure enhances the area around the cheeks, improves the chin area and eliminates sagging skin present in the neck area but does not include correcting the upper face area
Who is best suited to a facelift?
You have to prove you are in good health first but as well as this a person who is just beginning to show aging signs which is usually around the age of 50 makes the best candidate.
Does a face lift have any limitations?
A facelift cannot bring an end to the aging process as it cannot alter the texture and quality of the skin. However, it can turn the clock back ten years.
What happens at a facelift consultation?
This is when your chosen doctor will thoroughly examine your face and tell you what needs to be done
What happens at a facelift appointment?
There are different types of facelift, but deep plane facelifts are commonly performed. The procedure starts with liposuction which involves a tiny incision made just behind the chin. The incision is made a bit larger and tightening of the neck muscles takes place. This results in a nice contoured and taught neck. Next incisions are made around the ear in areas that are hard to see. The facial muscles are elevated and tightened. The skin is then pulled over, trimmed down and then closed up with tiny stitches. It takes about three hours for a facelift.
Does a facelift leave scars?
Every time an incision is cut in the skin, a scar will result. With facelifts the incisions are placed in areas where scars would be invisible and tiny stitches are used to close the wound. This minimise any likelihood of visible scarring.
Is a facelift painful?
Generally little pain is encountered in a facelift procedure but the doctor will provide suitable medication if any pain is uncomfortable.
Will I need help to recover?
The patient will return home after surgery with a bandage as a dressing and will spend the first night in bed, with two pillows to keep the head in a raised position. After 24 hours the patient will return to the surgery and the dressing will be taken off. After 5 more days the stitches beneath the chin and in front of the ear are removed. By this time any swelling and bruising will have been reduced. Ten days later the stitches that are behind the ears will be removed. After two weeks, return to work is possible and after another week more strenuous activity can take place.
Are there any complications or risks with facelift surgery?
Complications are rare but as with any surgical procedure poor healing, nerve damage, infection, scarring and bleeding can occur.
Is a facelift permanent?
The facelift will fix current facial problems with aging but as it doesn’t stop aging changes will still continue to take place on your skin at differing rates depending on how fast the aging process is.

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