Aging is a normal process, bound to happen with the passing time. Wrinkles and other aging lines soon become prominent on our face as we start ageing beyond our 30s. But, for those who have money and the desire to look young despite the age, cosmetic treatments such as facelifts are the finest options to reverse the aging lines. You can look youthful in your appearance if you get the procedure done rightly. So, let’s see how the process of facelift works.
How Facelift works?
Every face has a different shape and contour, as a result of which the facelift surgery differs in every patient. Prior to the procedure, your doctor will first evaluate the skin consistency in the patient and then explain the entire procedure. Patients with smoking habits or take medications such as aspirin frequently are asked to stop consuming them due to the related conditions.
The patient undergoing the procedure is given local anesthesia along with a few sedatives to avoid the pain. During the procedure, an incision is made around the hairline, starting from the temple, the facial curves and the earlobes, finally ending at the bottom of the hairline. If needed, an incision may also be made below the chin to tighten the skin around the neck.
Once the incisions are made, the doctor then separates the skin layer from the below fat and muscle layers. Some part of the fat is also suctioned out to give the face a sleeker look. The doctor then tightens the SMAS (the Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System) by folding and pulling it back. Tightening the SMAS layer helps lift the cheeks, gives a proper definition to the jawline and also firms the skin around the neck.
After the SMAS has been pulled, the doctor then pulls back the skin and removes the excess skin either by knife or laser. The incisions are then closed with sutures, tissue glue or stitches. These sutures are placed within the hairline and hence stay invisible. Based on the need of the patient, a facelift surgery may last anywhere between 2 to even 4 hours.
The result of Facelifts usually lasts for a long time such as 10 to 15 years, as compared to the non-surgical procedures which need to be repeated at least once in a year.
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